ALLO, a Better Virtual Workspace 🎉 Made Even Better with Embedding & Voice Memos

ALLO, a Better Virtual Workspace 🎉 Made Even Better with Embedding & Voice Memos


We are always looking for new ways to help you find what you need to work on and share new ideas with collaborators and teammates on your projects. This last month we’ve been busy building tools to make it easier for you to integrate, find and share your work. Check out our new ways to Embed a Canvas, Share Documents Embedded from Other Cloud Tools & leave a Voice Memo all within Allo.

You Can Now Embed a Canvas

Don’t spend time toggling between canvases! Now you can embed canvases for a clean look, seamless presentation, and easy access to all the canvases you need in one place. 💡

Click this link to watch a tutorial on how to embed your canvas within another canvas or externally on your website! 💃

Embed Your Favorite Tools Too!

Not only can you embed a canvas within a canvas but you can also embed your favorite tools to bring the project together in one place 🎯

By embedding Google Docs, YouTube videos and more - your canvas will become the place to see the big picture of all of the work happening on your project. 👀

Share Your Thoughts by Voice Memo

What about giving feedback on a project? Do you ever have something to say about part of a canvas? Now you can add a Voice Memo to make your projects more engaging & personal.🎙️

Click this link to watch a tutorial on how to use Voice Memos on your canvas! 🗣️

Check out recent updates if you miss anything, or our handy manuals for more of detailed guides.

We can’t wait to hear about all the creative ways you use ALLO! If you have any questions, we'd love to hear them -  just reply to this email or tell us on the support page!


—The Allo Team

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