Allo major features: my mentions, activity, and personal views

Allo major features: my mentions, activity, and personal views

In this article, we will introduce some major features of Allo including:

  • My mentions
  • Activity
  • Personal views

My Mentions

Mentions are made as part of our light project management toolset and to provide a convenient place to make sure action items do not fall through the cracks, all mentions are stored for you in the notifications bell under the mentions tab.

  • Use the  "@" + [colleagues name] to send them a mention.
  • When users click a mention, the relevant canvas will pop up in the modal window and auto-scroll to  exactly where the comment was created.
  • Mark mentions as complete and use our filters to sort by Incomplete, Completed, and All mentions.


In each workspace, project, and canvas, you can find the activity button towards the upper right corner. The activity is for you to have a clear view of what's being worked on by whom and when. It helps to improve transparency within the organization.

Personal Views

Similar to the activity feature, it is a tool to help improve transparency within the organization. Personal view allows you to understand what others are working on and who they are working with the most at a glance. Simply click on any name in the activity sidebar to open up the personal view of the member.

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